The K-Beauty Chronicles

Do You Have ZOMBIE Acne? How to Treat Acne That Just Won’t Die

Acne. Even the word sends shivers down your spine, doesn't it? For some of us it's annoying, and for some of us it's ruin-your-life kinda awful. But you know what's worse? A particular kind of acne. And this one is a different beast altogether. Welcome to the not-at-all-wonderful world of... Zombie acne. ————— Ever had the kind of acne that just stubbornly...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

What Do Dermatologists Think of Snail Mucin? The Truth Revealed

As diehard fans of K-Beauty, we know you are just as curious as we are about the latest trends and ingredients.  Today, we're exploring one of the hottest ingredients out there - snail mucin.  And if you’re new here? No, you did not misread that.  You see, when it comes to K-Beauty, the unique often reigns supreme. And yep, the beauty industry...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

How Long Does Alpha Arbutin Take to Fade Hyperpigmentation?

So you've been dabbling in the K-Beauty pool and you've stumbled upon this superhero ingredient. Alpha arbutin. It’s been waving its magic wand over stubborn spots of hyperpigmentation since it was first discovered.  But now you're left wondering, "How long does it take for alpha arbutin to work its charm?"  Stick with me, dear reader - we're about to settle this debate...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

Liposomal Retinol Before or After Snail Mucin?

"What's that golden glow," you ask, looking in the mirror at your new ravishing radiant skin.  "Is it me, or have I just unlocked the secret to K Beauty?"  That's right! You're about to immerse yourself in the magic of Korean skincare.  Let's have a chit-chat about liposomal retinol and snail mucin, two cutting-edge ingredients in the K-Beauty world.  This isn't your...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

How Necessary Is a Toner? The HONEST Answer

Welcome, beauty gurus and skincare fanatics!  So, you've got your K-Beauty game on point - face wash, serum, moisturizer, and perhaps even that celebrated Korean snail mucin (No judgment, we're all about it!).  But, there's been some debate in our beauty circles – is toner a must-have, too? . Let's set the record straight once and for all.  Do you really need...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

How Long Does Retinol Take to Work?

Hey skincare bosses!  Ready for an epic journey into the world of retinol?  Buckle up, because you're in for an exciting ride!  We're going to dive into one of the biggest questions on everyone's lips:  How long does retinol take to work? Grab your notepad and your green tea – we're about to go deep! How long does it take to see...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments

Is Glycolic Acid Good for Oily Skin? The Surprising Truth

Hey, my skincare savvy friend!  Welcome to your ultimate guide on everything glycolic acid.  Today we’ll answer that burning question: "Is glycolic acid good for oily skin?"  So, kick back, grab a cup of green tea, and let’s unravel this mystery. Can I use glycolic acid on my oily skin? Glycolic acid and oily skin, you ask?  Well my friend, we're about...

On by Yu-Jun Park 0 Comments