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Can You Mix Hyaluronic Acid With Vitamin C? (The CORRECT Answer)

by Yu-Jun Park 25 Jan 2024

Hey there, skincare aficionados!

Are you ready to dive into a match made in heaven for your skin?

It's like finding the perfect coffee blend that makes your morning just right.

We're talking about the dynamic duo of skincare: hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

And in case it wasn’t obvious by now - yes, you certainly can use hyaluronic acid and vitamin C together. And you probably should.

Can You Use Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid Together?

The Magic Behind The Mix

Vitamin C: The Star Player

Let's start with vitamin C, a.k.a. ascorbic acid.

This gem in the skincare world is like the lead singer of a rock band – it's got the spotlight for a good reason.

Known for its powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin C is your go-to for fighting off those pesky free radicals that contribute to premature aging.

Think of it as your skin's knight in shining armor, protecting you from environmental aggressors like pollution and UV damage.

  • Brightening Extraordinaire: Vitamin C doesn't stop at defense. It's also a pro at brightening your complexion. Dark spots, sun damage, and uneven skin tone? Vitamin C is on the case, working to give you that even, radiant glow.
  • Collagen Boost: But wait, there's more! Vitamin C is also known for its role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is the protein that keeps your skin looking firm and youthful. So, not only does vitamin C protect and brighten, but it also helps keep those fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

Hyaluronic Acid: The Hydration Hero

Now, let's talk about hyaluronic acid.

If vitamin C is the lead singer, hyaluronic acid is the killer bass player that brings depth and balance to the band.

This hydration hero is all about keeping your skin moisturized and plump.

  • The Ultimate Moisture Magnet: Hyaluronic acid has this super cool ability to hold up to 1000 times its weight in water. It's like a sponge that keeps absorbing moisture, ensuring your skin stays hydrated and bouncy.
  • Soft, Supple Skin: With hyaluronic acid in the mix, you can say goodbye to dryness and hello to skin that feels as soft as a cloud. It’s like giving your skin a big drink of water every time you apply it.

Why They Work So Well Together

Mixing vitamin C and hyaluronic acid is like creating a perfect harmony in skincare.

Each ingredient brings something unique to the table, and together, they amplify each other’s benefits.

  • Boosted Antioxidant Power: Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are complemented by the moisture-retaining power of hyaluronic acid. This means vitamin C can work its magic on brightening and protecting, while hyaluronic acid ensures the skin stays hydrated and receptive to these benefits.
  • Youthful, Radiant Complexion: Together, they work towards giving you a complexion that not only looks brighter but also feels deeply hydrated and youthful. It's like turning back the clock and giving your skin a fresh, dewy start.

Which Goes First: Hyaluronic Acid or Vitamin C?

Layering Like a Skincare Pro

The order of application in skincare is as crucial as the ingredients themselves. It's like layering flavors in a gourmet dish – the sequence matters.

Start with Vitamin C

  • The Absorption Game: Apply vitamin C first. It's crucial for its antioxidant properties to penetrate deep into the skin. Think of it as laying down the first flavor in your skincare recipe.

Follow up with Hyaluronic Acid

  • Locking in the Goodness: After vitamin C has sunk in, layer on hyaluronic acid. It acts as a seal, trapping the vitamin C and ensuring your skin stays hydrated. It's like putting the final touch that locks in all the flavors.


See, there’s a bit of a plot twist here.

  • While using these ingredients separately is great, there's also the convenient option of combined serums. Our signature Day Glow Serum, for instance, marries the benefits of vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in one bottle — meaning it comes with the price tag of one bottle, not two. It’s like getting a perfectly mixed cocktail instead of mixing the spirits yourself.

The Perfect Sequence for Maximum Benefits

So the choice comes down to two options: Use them in one serum (in which case the order doesn’t matter) or use them separately (in which case it does).

If you are using them separately? This order isn't arbitrary. It's about letting each ingredient do its job effectively without hindering the other.

How Long to Leave Vitamin C Before Hyaluronic Acid?

Timing is Key

So, you’ve just smoothed on your vitamin C serum, and your skin is soaking up all that antioxidant goodness.

But hold on – don't rush to the next step yet!

In skincare, timing isn't just a suggestion; it's an integral part of your routine's effectiveness.

It's like baking the perfect cake – timing is everything.

Let's zoom in on the waiting period between applying vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.

This isn’t just a pause; it's a crucial step in maximizing the benefits of these powerhouse ingredients.

The Waiting Game: A Crucial Step

  • Let It Sink In: Think of vitamin C like a fine wine that needs to breathe. Once applied, give it about one to two minutes to fully absorb into your skin. This waiting period allows the vitamin C to penetrate the skin’s surface and start working its magic on brightening and repairing your skin.
  • Why Rushing Isn’t the Answer: Slapping on hyaluronic acid immediately after vitamin C could hinder the absorption of both. It's like trying to listen to two songs at the same time – neither gets the attention it deserves.

The Patience Pays Off

Allowing each product its own time to shine ensures that you're getting the most out of your skincare routine.

  • Layering Effectively: After the vitamin C has been fully absorbed, it's time for hyaluronic acid to step into the spotlight. This hydration hero then works to seal in the benefits of vitamin C while drawing moisture into the skin, ensuring your skin stays hydrated and plump.
  • The Science Behind the Wait: The slight delay between applications allows for a more effective pH adjustment on your skin’s surface. Vitamin C works best at a lower pH, while hyaluronic acid doesn’t have such specific requirements. This brief interlude allows the skin’s pH to recalibrate after the acidic vitamin C, making it more conducive for hyaluronic acid application.
  • And if you’re in the “both in one bottle camp”? Good serums will generally be formulated with pH in mind before you ever pick up the bottle, so you can simply slather it on and go.

Maximizing the Benefits

  • Visualize the Results: Imagine your skin after a few weeks of this meticulous routine. By allowing vitamin C its full absorption time, followed by the moisture-locking magic of hyaluronic acid, you’re looking at a complexion that's not only brighter but also more hydrated and youthful.
  • Building a Routine That Works: Incorporating this simple pause into your skincare regimen can make a significant difference. It’s a small step that speaks volumes in terms of long-term skincare success.

Is It Better to Use Hyaluronic Acid in the Morning or at Night?

The 24/7 Hydration Boost

The beauty of hyaluronic acid is that it's like your skin's 24/7 hydration buddy.

Whether you use it in the morning or at night, it's always a good idea.

Morning Routine: The Hydration Kick-Start

Starting your day with hyaluronic acid? Absolutely!

Think of it as the essential cup of coffee for your skin, waking it up and prepping it for the day ahead.

  • Prime Your Skin: In the morning, hyaluronic acid sets the stage for a dewy, radiant look. It plumps up the skin, smoothing out those fine lines and making it an ideal canvas for makeup or sunscreen. It's like filling in all the little nooks and crannies, so your skin looks flawlessly smooth.
  • Protect Against Environmental Stressors: Using hyaluronic acid in the AM isn’t just about hydration; it's also about protecting your skin from the daily environmental onslaught. It forms a barrier of hydration that helps shield your skin from pollutants and UV rays, like an invisible suit of armor.

Night Routine: The Repair Mode

As the sun sets, it’s time for your skin to enter its natural repair mode, and hyaluronic acid is the perfect overnight companion.

  • Enhance Your Skin’s Natural Repair Process: At night, your skin is in regeneration mode. Adding hyaluronic acid to your nighttime routine supports this process by maintaining optimal hydration levels. It’s like having a dedicated night shift worker who’s constantly ensuring that your skin’s hydration needs are met, even while you sleep.
  • Wake Up to Rejuvenated Skin: Imagine waking up to skin that feels refreshed, plump, and deeply moisturized. Hyaluronic acid works overnight to combat the loss of moisture that can occur during sleep, helping you start your day with skin that looks and feels revitalized.

The Flexibility of Hyaluronic Acid

The beauty of hyaluronic acid lies in its versatility.

It’s a true team player in the skincare league, complementing both your morning and evening routines.

  • Anytime, Any Skin Type: Whether you have dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin, hyaluronic acid is a one-size-fits-all solution. It adapts to your skin’s unique needs, providing hydration without overwhelming it.
  • Layering with Other Products: Hyaluronic acid plays well with other skincare ingredients. In the morning, layer it under sunscreen for an extra hydration boost. At night, use it with your retinol or peptides for a hydration-packed skincare cocktail.

To sum up? Pairing hyaluronic acid with vitamin C is like creating a melody that resonates with your skin’s needs.

Dive into this power duo and watch as your skin thanks you with a radiance that even K-Beauty stars would envy!

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