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Can You Use Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica Together?

by Yu-Jun Park 16 Aug 2024

Alright, skincare junkies. 

Let’s talk about one of the hottest duos in skin science: Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica. 

Maybe you’ve heard about them whispered in beauty forums, or perhaps they’ve made cameo appearances in your Instagram scrolls of enviable skin transformations. 

You’re probably wondering, “Can I use these two powerhouse ingredients together on my face?” 

Buckle up, because we're diving deep into how this dream team can transform your skincare routine into a magical elixir of beauty!

Why Azelaic Acid Deserves a Spot in Your Routine

The Science-y Stuff Made Simple

Imagine a magical potion that tackles acne, fades hyperpigmentation, and smoothens your skin texture. 

That's Azelaic Acid for you. 

Derived from grains like barley and wheat, it's the all-in-one multitasker every skincare aficionado dreams of. It’s like nature’s answer to a one-size-fits-all wonder product.

But let’s dig a bit deeper: Azelaic Acid has antimicrobial properties, which means it’s your skin’s personal bouncer, kicking out acne-causing bacteria. 

Furthermore, it's a doppelganger for dopaquinone inhibitors, making it a star player in reducing those stubborn dark spots and uneven skin tone. 

So next time you're perusing skincare aisles, you might want to give this ingredient some side-eye appreciation.

How It Works Its Magic

Azelaic Acid works like that effortlessly cool friend who manages to straighten up any chaotic situation without breaking a sweat. 

It gently exfoliates your skin, unclogs pores, and leaves it looking brighter and more even-toned. 

All this without throwing a tantrum or causing your skin undue irritation. Imagine a perfect blend of patience and effectiveness—a skincare unicorn, if you will.

What’s more, Azelaic Acid has anti-inflammatory properties. So if you’re grappling with the red, inflamed nemesis that is acne, it’s got your back. It slides right into your routine, does its job quietly, and delivers results that scream loud and clear.

Enter Centella Asiatica: Your Skin’s Soothing Sidekick

What’s the Buzz About?

Centella Asiatica, also lovingly known as Gotu Kola or Cica, is your go-to zen master for skincare. 

Originating from the wetlands of Asia, this botanical marvel has been calming skin and promoting healing for centuries. Picture a cosmic yoga instructor whispering sweet nothings of calmness and rejuvenation to your stressed-out skin.

The Benefits Are No Joke

Centella Asiatica is like an elixir loaded with antioxidants, essential vitamins, and a treasure trove of healing properties. 

Feeling like your face has been through the wringer? Centella swoops in with its cape of calmness, reducing redness, speeding up wound healing, and banishing scars. It’s like a warm, therapeutic hug for your face—without the actual face-hugging.

Its anti-inflammatory prowess makes it perfect for sensitive skin, while its hydrating properties restore moisture balance. Perfect for when your skin feels like it’s gone a few rounds in a ring and could use a chill break.

So, Can You Use Them Together?

The Short Answer: Yes, Heck Yes!

Like peanut butter and jelly, Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica are a match made in skincare heaven. They complement each other so wonderfully that it almost feels prescriptive. 

Azelaic Acid tackles issues like breakouts, hyperpigmentation, and overall dull skin, while Centella Asiatica soothes, heals, and rejuvenates. They play off each other’s strengths and balance out potential pitfalls, creating a harmonious synergy.

How to Make It Work in Your Routine

Ready to elevate your skincare game? Here’s how you can seamlessly integrate this power duo into your regimen:

  1. Cleanse: Begin with a gentle cleanser to prep your skin. Enough to cleanse the grime and give a fresh canvas without stripping away natural oils.
  1. Azelaic Acid: Apply your Azelaic Acid product, be it serum or cream. Do this after cleansing and before moisturizing. This ensures that its magical properties penetrate deeply.
  1. Centella Asiatica: Next, reach for Centella-infused serums, creams, or even soothing masks. Apply this right after your Azelaic Acid. This will calm and hydrate after the exfoliating action of Azelaic Acid.
  1. Moisturize: Seal it all in with a good moisturizer. Hydration is key to maintaining that newfound balance and glow.
  1. Sunscreen: And last but absolutely not least—sunscreen. This is especially crucial in the AM, as both these ingredients can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Consider this your armor against the harsh rays.

Pro Tips to Amp Up the Benefits

Patch Test Always

New to these ingredients? A patch test is your safety net. Apply a small amount on your wrist or behind your ear, and wait 24 hours. Observe if any unexpected eruptions or reactions occur. Better safe than having to 'face'-palm later.

Start Slow

Don’t rush in with zeal. Start by using these ingredients once or twice a week. Gradually, let your skin build tolerance. If all goes well, you can increase the frequency.

Watch Your Percentages

When scouting for Azelaic Acid products, a concentration of 10-15% is generally ideal for most skin types. For Centella Asiatica, higher percentages tend to be more beneficial. However, always observe how your skin reacts and adjust accordingly.

Listen to Your Skin

Your skin speaks—perhaps not in actual words, but through signs. Any unusual redness, burning, or irritation? It’s calling for help. Dial back your usage or reconsider the products in play.

Layer Smartly

When layering these ingredients, remember: thinnest to thickest. Azelaic Acid usually comes in serums or creams which should come first. Follow up with your Centella product and then a moisturizer to lock in all the goodness.

Sneak These Ingredients Into Your Routine

Alright, here's the deal: you don’t need a PhD in biochemistry to master your skincare routine. Start by weaving Azelaic Acid into your lineup 2-3 times a week. Observe how your skin reacts. If it’s all thumbs up, you can gradually ramp up the frequency. 

On the other hand, Centella Asiatica is like that friend who’s always a delight - you can probably handle it every day from the get-go. But, as with anything new, start slow and figure things out.

Real Talk: What to Expect

Initial Reactions

Picture this: You've just incorporated these skincare superstars, and BAM - your skin is tingling and blushing like it just saw its crush. 

Don’t slam the panic button. This tingling, maybe even slight redness, is just your skin's way of saying, "Hey, it's new in here." Usually, this little protest is short-lived.

Visible Results

Patience, dear grasshopper, is where the magic lies. Real, transformative change is like aging a fine wine – it takes time. 

Don’t expect to wake up with a flawless K-pop idol complexion overnight. Give it a good few weeks, maybe even months, and you’ll start noticing clearer, more even-toned, and soothed skin. 

Stick to the course, and future you will send high-fives from the mirror.

Let’s Get Personal: Adapting to Your Lifestyle

Busy Bees

“Busy” should be your middle name? Then opt for a multitasking serum that has Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica all rolled into one. It’s like asking James Bond to make you breakfast - efficient and impressive. One less step means you’re more likely to actually do it, even if your mornings resemble a Nascar pit stop.

Skincare Enthusiasts

Channeling your inner mad scientist with skincare? You’ll love the elaborate dance of layering. Think of Azelaic Acid as your opening act – it needs direct contact to work its magic. Once it’s settled, follow with your Centella Asiatica-based product for the grand finale. This strategic layering ensures that each product does its job to the fullest.


For those who worry as much about the planet as their pores, there's good news. Both Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica are available in eco-friendly bottles and formulations that give a nod to Mother Earth. Look for sustainable packaging, cruelty-free badges, and brands committed to doing good. Serve your skin and conscience in one smooth swipe.

Fun Facts to Impress Your Friends

  1. Azelaic Acid: Beyond being a skincare savant, Azelaic Acid moonlights as a treatment for rosacea. It's like a two-in-one deal – banishing both acne and the persistent redness of rosacea.
  1. Centella Asiatica: Nicknamed "the herb of longevity" in India, Centella Asiatica has a serene past. Monks touted its calming effects and used it to elevate their meditation practices. Sprinkle that into your next skincare gossip sesh.

Your Skincare, Your Rules

Here’s the crux of it all: Skincare is deeply personal. Think bespoke suits, only this is for your face. 

What works wonders for one might flop for another. Take the time to understand your skin’s unique requirements, and tailor your routine to fit your lifestyle and goals, not some one-size-fits-all internet list.

Bringing It All Together

Imagine pairing the strategic smarts of Sherlock Holmes with the soothing touch of a zen master. That’s what combining Azelaic Acid and Centella Asiatica does for your skin. 

Whether it’s acne, pigmentation issues, inflammation, or just an overall tired appearance, this dynamic duo has you covered. 

Why settle for one hero ingredient when you can tag-team them for maximum effect?

Take this as your sign: It’s time to step up your skincare game. Integrate these powerhouses into your regimen and marvel as your skin embarks on its transformation journey. 

Remember, greatness in skincare doesn’t come from packing everything under the sun onto your face but choosing potent, effective ingredients. 

So, are you ready to unveil your best skin yet? 

The mirror is waiting!

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