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Does Glycolic Acid Help With Sun Damage? The Surprising Answer

by Yu-Jun Park 27 Sep 2024

Alright, beauty queens (and kings!), we've all been there. 

That one blissful day you forgot your SPF, basking in the sun, soaking up every ray—and later realizing, OOPS—hello, sun damage! 

Don't sweat it. 

We're diving headfirst into one of the skincare world's favorite ingredients: glycolic acid. 

Yep, this little wonder can do more than you might think.

Glycolic Acid 101: The Scoop on This Powerhouse 

Before we dig into how glycolic acid can become your new BFF against sun damage, let's break it down. 

Glycolic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), is derived from sugar cane. It's basically the Beyoncé of the AHA family—tiny enough to penetrate your skin layers but mighty in action.

Here's why it's a game-changer:

  • Exfoliation Pro: It helps shed those dead skin cells like a pro.
  • Collagen Creator: Revitalizes collagen production, keeping your skin plump.
  • Pigment Pusher: Targets hyperpigmentation like a champ.

How Sun Damage Messes with Your Glow

So, what's the deal with sun damage anyway? When those UV rays hit your skin, they bring their nasty friends: free radicals.

 These bad boys can cause:

  • Premature aging (fine lines, anyone?)
  • Dark spots and pigmentation
  • Loss of that oh-so-glorious skin elasticity
  • Rough texture (goodbye silky smoothness)

Bottom line: those summer vibes aren't all sunshine and rainbows.

How Glycolic Acid Can Help SkinGoals

Now the real question: Does glycolic acid actually help with sun damage? 

Spoiler alert: It absolutely can! Glycolic acid can help repair sun damage in a number of ways.

Here’s how:

1. Exfoliating Like a Boss

Glycolic acid exfoliates the outer dead skin layer (stratum corneum). This means new cells can finally see the light of day, revealing fresher, healthier skin. More turnover = less time for those darn sunspots to linger. 

Imagine your face is like a book, and dead skin cells are the dust on the cover. Glycolic acid? It's your best microfiber cloth, wiping away those dead cells and letting the real story of your glowing complexion shine through.

2. Brightening Up the Scene

By exfoliating and removing pigmented dead skin cells, glycolic acid helps fade those pesky dark spots. Consistent use can make your skin look more even-toned and brighter. Glycolic acid is your brightening buddy, working tirelessly to even out your skin tone while you catch those Zzz's.

3. Stimulating Collagen Production

Yep, glycolic acid gives your skin a nudge to produce more collagen. This extra collagen helps firm up your skin and smooth out wrinkles caused by UV damage. Glycolic acid is waving those pom-poms for your skin, shouting, “Give me a C! Give me an O! Give me an L-L-A-G-E-N!” Those wrinkles? They'll scatter like frightened freshmen.

4. Prepping the Skin for More

Best part? Glycolic acid preps your skin to absorb other skincare goodies better. It’s the opening act that gets everything ready for the main show, be it your serums or moisturizers. Glycolic acid sets the table so your serums and moisturizers can WOW your skin, turning every night’s routine into a VIP skincare event.

There’s More to It: Busting Some Myths 

Using glycolic acid isn’t all roses and instant results. Let’s tackle some common misconceptions that might be holding you back from your best skin ever.

Myth 1: Glycolic Acid Will Make My Skin Sun-Sensitive Forever

Relax. It’s true that exfoliation can temporarily increase sun sensitivity. But sensible use of SPF (you should be doing this anyway!) and avoiding peak sun hours can keep you in the clear.

Don’t ditch your beach days; just bring your broad-spectrum SPF along. A bit of planning and boom—you’re a sun-kissed glow machine.

Myth 2: Stronger Concentration, Better Results

More isn't always better. Start slow—say hello to 5-10% concentrations. Bumping it up too fast can irritate your skin, causing more harm than good. In the world of skincare, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

Myth 3: All Glycolic Products Are Created Equal

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all glycolic acid products are the same. Formulations matter. Always check product reviews and get your glow on with reputable brands. Invest in quality—your skin will thank you.

Your Cutting-Edge Guide to Using Glycolic Acid

Ready to bring glycolic acid into your life? Here’s how to do it the smart way.

Patch Test

  • Use a small amount on your inner arm.
  • Wait 24 hours to check for irritation.
  • Safety first!

Think of this step as a mini audition before signing a major star to your skincare play. It’s a quick scene, but crucial for nailing that award-winning glow.

Start Slow

  • Begin with a lower concentration.
  • Use 2-3 times a week, then gradually increase.

Pacing here is key. Your skin is more like a needy houseplant than you might think—introduce new elements gently and it will thrive.

Timing Matters

Choosing the right time to apply your glycolic acid treatment can be a game-changer for your skincare results. 

Here's the deal: your skin does some of its best work while you’re snoozing. Prefer nighttime applications to give your skin a head start on repair mode. Apply glycolic acid before bed and let the night do its magic.


Moisturizing right after you've applied glycolic acid isn't just a suggestion; it’s the unspoken rule if you want to nail that dewy look. Hydration balances out its exfoliating prowess. 

Reach for a hydrating moisturizer to lock in moisture and reinforce your skin barrier. Balance like a skincare boss and your complexion will glow with gratitude.


This can’t be emphasized enough: SPF is your BFF when you’re messing with acids. Apply a broad-spectrum SPF every single morning. 

Sun protection is non-negotiable to prevent those UV rays from undoing all that hard work. A good SPF ensures your skin isn’t fighting an uphill battle against the sun’s harshness. Put it on, and then put it on some more. When in doubt, reapply. 

Because seriously, sun damage? Not cool now. Not cool ever. 

Pro Tips for Maximizing Results

Let’s crank your glycolic acid routine up a notch. Here’s how:

Mix ‘n’ Match: Make your skin sing by pairing glycolic acid with other skincare powerhouses. Hyaluronic acid is a hydration wonder that complements your glycolic treatment beautifully. Layer it up, but keep an eye on your skin's response.

Don’t Overdo It: Remember, in skincare, sometimes less is indeed more. Slathering on extra product won’t expedite results—it could just land you with irritated, angry skin. Stick to the recommended usage and let consistency work its wonders. Patience, young grasshopper.

Watch for Stingers: Be vigilant for signs of irritation. If your skin tingles and feels like it’s planning a rebellion, it’s time for a break. Redness and irritation are your skin’s SOS signals. Listen and adjust your routine accordingly to avoid pushing your skin to the edge.

Real Talk: How Long Before You See Results?

Big things take time, and great skin is no exception. 

Some lucky individuals might notice improvements within a few weeks, but for others, it may be a slow burn that spans a couple of months. 

That's okay. Consistency is your best friend with glycolic acid. Keep at it, keep the faith, and keep glowing. 

Beyond Just Glycolic: Holistic Sun Damage Strategies

Antioxidants Are Your Friends

Free radicals are like that mischievous friend you don't need in your life. Enter antioxidants: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and green tea extract. 

These bad boys neutralize those pesky radicals and play well with glycolic acid. Incorporate them into your routine for an unbeatable duo. Your skin stays protected, and you stay fabulous.

Hydration Station

Your skin is largely water, so be sure to drink up. Hydrated skin is happy skin. Slather on some hyaluronic acid for next-level hydration from the outside. This super ingredient can hold 1000 times its weight in water, giving you that plump, youthful look.

Healthy Diet

Those colorful fruits and veggies aren’t just for looks; they pack a punch of skin-loving nutrients. Omega-3-rich foods like salmon and flax seeds boost skin elasticity. Think of every vibrant plate as another step towards naturally glowing skin.

Unconventional Tips: The Unexpected Heroes

Beauty Sleep

Forget rolling your eyes. Prioritize those 7-9 hours because your skin is working the night shift to repair and regenerate. Beauty sleep is called that for a reason!

Chill Out

Stress is the ultimate skin saboteur. When you’re stressed, your body produces cortisol, which can wreak havoc on your skin. Find what calms you—whether it’s yoga, meditation, or journaling. Your zen routine can make a noticeable difference in your complexion.

Gadgets Galore

Consider stepping up your skincare game with some tech. LED light therapy (a favorite of Cate Blanchett!) and micro-needling can boost your glycolic acid routine. Professional treatments can target stubborn spots and give you results home routines simply can’t match. Explore these options for that extra oomph.

It’s Time to Shine

Glycolic acid isn't a one-size-fits-all miracle, but it’s pretty darn close when wielded correctly. 

Combine it with smart sun habits and a holistic approach to skincare and health, and you'll be waving goodbye to sun damage.

Ready to dive into the world of brighter, smoother, healthier skin? 

Embrace glycolic acid — you can find lots of the stuff and more in our super-popular Kojic Acid Cream — make the most out of every application, and remember, SPF is your steadfast companion through it all. 

Now, go out there and keep glowing!


P.S. Have any out-of-this-world success stories or jaw-dropping transformations? Share them with us, because we’re all about celebrating skin positivity and those sweet, sweet victories!

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