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Niacinamide Before or After Moisturizer? The Order Matters

by Yu-Jun Park 15 Aug 2024

When it comes to skincare, the order in which you apply your products can make a major difference. 

Today’s hot topic is niacinamide—an ingredient that's been making waves for all the right reasons. 

The burning question? 

Should you use niacinamide before or after moisturizer? 

Let’s dive in.

The Basics of Niacinamide

Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a powerhouse ingredient in the skincare world. It tackles everything from uneven skin tone to fine lines, acne, and dehydration. 

This multitasking marvel deserves a proper spot in your skincare routine to let its magic work to its fullest.

Why Order Matters in Skincare

Before we pinpoint niacinamide’s exact spot in your regimen, it’s essential to understand why order matters. 

The general rule is to apply products from thinnest to thickest consistency

This ensures each layer penetrates effectively, allowing your skin to absorb all the benefits.

Where Does Niacinamide Fit?

Given that it often comes in serum form, niacinamide should be applied after cleansing and toning but before moisturizing

Now, there is an exception to this for you folks who are using niacinamide moisturizers like our ultra-brightening Kojic Acid Cream (yup, that’s a thing) — in which case… well, you just use it as your moisturizer.

But if you’re using a niacinamide serum (in which case, our Advanced Snail Serum is your best bet), stick to using it before your moisturizer.

Here’s why:

Why Before Moisturizer?

Serums are designed to deliver active ingredients efficiently. Niacinamide, being one of those actives, benefits from being applied to clean, toned skin free from heavier products that could hinder its absorption. 

By applying niacinamide before your moisturizer, you ensure it penetrates deeply, maximizing its benefits.

Serum and Moisturizer: The Dynamic Duo

Your moisturizer should be the final step in your skincare routine to lock it all in, creating a protective barrier. This allows all those potent active ingredients, like niacinamide, to stay put and do their job effectively without evaporating too quickly.

Application Tips

  1. Cleanse Thoroughly: Start with a clean canvas. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any impurities.
  2. Tone (Optional): If you use a toner, apply it next. It helps prep your skin for better absorption of the serum.
  3. Apply Niacinamide: Use a few drops of niacinamide serum and spread it evenly over your face, allowing it to absorb.
  4. Moisturize: Follow up with your chosen moisturizer to seal in the benefits.

Customizing Your Niacinamide Routine

Beyond just knowing where niacinamide fits, tailoring your routine for maximum efficacy can take things to the next level.

Mixing Niacinamide with Other Active Ingredients

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Combines beautifully with niacinamide. Apply a hyaluronic acid serum before the niacinamide to supercharge your hydration.
  • Snail Mucin: This weird and wonderful ingredient, like niacinamide, tends to play nice with all skin types. It’s also so good for your skin that even the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates recommended it.
  • Retinol: A superstar anti-aging ingredient. Use niacinamide first to soothe the skin and then follow with retinol, which can be irritating on its own.

Addressing Specific Skin Concerns

  • Acne-Prone Skin: Pair niacinamide with salicylic acid for an acne-fighting dynamo duo. Use salicylic acid-based cleansers or toners, followed by niacinamide serum.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Combine niacinamide with ingredients like alpha arbutin or kojic acid to target those stubborn dark spots more effectively.
  • Aging: Adding peptides and antioxidants in conjunction with niacinamide can help combat fine lines and sagging skin. Peptides can be layered on the skin before your niacinamide.

No-Nos with Niacinamide

Most skincare ingredients play nicely with niacinamide, but there are a couple of pairs you might want to double-check:

  • Excessive Acids: Avoid a high concentration of acidic products like strong AHAs or BHAs immediately before or after niacinamide. This can lower the niacinamide's effectiveness and could potentially irritate your skin.
  • Too Many Actives: Cycling these powerful ingredients is crucial. Overloading your skin with actives can lead to irritation. Alternate usage days to keep your skin balanced.

Efficiency Hacks

  • Travel-Sized Bottles: Decant your niacinamide into smaller bottles. Keep one in your gym bag, office drawer, and travel kit so you never miss a dose.
  • Appliance Enhancements: Want to step up your skincare game? Use a microneedling tool before applying niacinamide. This technique can enhance penetration, so you reap even more benefits.
  • Layering Techniques: If you’re feeling fancy, try the "7 Skin Method" from Korean skincare. This involves layering 7 light applications of hydrating toner or essence (niacinamide included) to make your skin extra plump and glowing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To get the most out of your niacinamide, steer clear of these common pitfalls:


Niacinamide is like that friend who’s always there for you but doesn’t need to be the center of attention. A few drops are totally enough. 

More isn't always better. You don’t need to drench your skin in it. Excess product can clog pores, waste product, and even cause irritation. Think quality, not quantity.

Mixing Conflicts

Mixing skincare ingredients can feel like playing alchemist, but not all potions mix well. While niacinamide is the social butterfly of skincare ingredients, Vitamin C can be its moody cousin. 

They can coexist, but many dermatologists suggest giving them different times of the day to shine. Vitamin C in the morning, niacinamide at night, or vice versa. Your skin will thank you for the balance.

Skipping Patch Tests

New product hype is real, but so is the risk of irritation. Always perform a patch test. It's like a rehearsal before the big show. 

Apply a dab to a discreet spot and wait 24 hours. If your skin stays calm, proceed. If not, abort mission. No one wants a full-face freakout.

Frequency is Key

How often should you use niacinamide? Generally, you can use it twice a day—morning and night. But always follow the instructions on your product. Sometimes less is more, especially if you’re just getting started.

Consistency is your best friend here. While niacinamide is pretty gentle and versatile, blasting your face with too much at once won't speed up your glow game. Start with a bit in the morning and a bit at night. 

Go slow. It’s not a race; it’s a routine.

Eye Cream: Your Under-Eye Savior

Now let's give a shoutout to the unsung hero of skincare routines—eye cream. Your delicate under-eye area deserves special care.

Using your ring finger (because it's the gentlest), pat on a tiny dab of eye cream around your orbital bone. 

Don’t smear it, don’t rub it—pat it. Think of it like a dot-to-dot challenge, but with fewer lines and more gentle dabs. 

Why the ring finger, you ask? Well, it applies the least pressure, which is perfect for that sensitive skin. You wouldn’t drag your favorite silk scarf across sandpaper, right? Treat your eye area with some well-deserved TLC.

Wrapping Up with Moisturizer

Your moisturizer will act like a snug blanket, sealing in all those layers of skincare goodness and keeping your skin hydrated.

  1. Measure Wisely: No need to drown your face in product. A nickel-sized amount should be plenty.
  2. Application Matters: Apply in upward strokes, starting from the center of your face and working your way out. This technique can give your skin a slight lift and help your moisturizer absorb efficiently.
  3. Consistency Is Key: Make it a ritual. Consistency will cement your results and keep your skin thanking you daily.

The Final Step: Sunscreen

Your skincare routine might be lit, but it’s not complete without sunscreen. 

Seriously girls, this isn’t optional. UV rays are your skin’s arch-nemesis, and missing out on sunscreen is like going to war unarmed.

Apply it as the very last step before heading out. Spread a generous amount over your face, neck, and any other exposed areas. Sunscreen is your shield against premature aging, dark spots, and even skin cancer. 

Don't underestimate its power. Consider this your daily dose of anti-aging magic—no capes required.

Making Niacinamide Work for You

Alright, let’s get real. Your skincare routine should fit into your lifestyle, not the other way around. 

Here are some tips for every kind of skincare lover, from the minimalist to the maximalist.

For the Minimalists

If you're all about that low-maintenance life, simplicity is key. Stick to a cleanser, a niacinamide serum, and a moisturizer. Easy peasy, and you're good to go. Make sure to have a sunscreen for the morning and you’ve got a powerhouse, three-step routine.

For the Maximalists

If your bathroom shelf looks like a Sephora, we see you! Feel free to layer niacinamide with your Vitamin C, retinols, and exfoliants. Just remember to space out potent actives to avoid overloading your skin. Balance is golden.

For the Busy Bees

Busy bees, we’ve got your back. Multitasking products are lifesavers when you’re pressed for time. Grab a serum that blends niacinamide with hyaluronic acid or peptides. It’s like a skincare smoothie—all the good stuff in one easy-to-use product. Out the door and glowing in no time.

Surprising Niacinamide Facts

Think you know niacinamide? Think again. This ingredient is full of surprises!

Universal Appeal

Sensitive skin folks, rejoice! Niacinamide is gentle yet powerful, making it a universal winner. No exclusion zone here. It caters to oily, dry, combination, and sensitive skin without causing flare-ups. It’s the peacekeeper your skincare cabinet needs.

Combo Magic

One of niacinamide’s best traits? It’s a team player. Pair it with hyaluronic acid, peptides, or antioxidants for a synergistic boost. Combining these can amplify your results, giving you more hydrated, plump, and radiant skin. Think of it as assembling your skincare Avengers.

Anti-aging Hero

Niacinamide isn’t just a one-trick pony. It works overtime, not only targeting those stubborn dark spots but also boosting collagen production. The result? A fuller, more youthful complexion that defies age. Say hello to your skin’s new best friend.

Embracing the Glow

So, should you use niacinamide before or after moisturizer? 

By now, it should be crystal clear: use niacinamide before moisturizer

This order ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness of those fantastic skin-loving benefits niacinamide offers.

Whether you're a skincare newbie or a seasoned pro, integrating niacinamide can be a real game-changer. 

You'll notice things like reduced redness, fewer breakouts, and a more even complexion—all without breaking the bank or causing you to spend hours in front of the mirror.

It's All About You

I hope this guide answered your burning question: "Should you use niacinamide before or after moisturizer?" in the most engaging way possible. 

Getting your skincare routine right might feel like chemistry class at times, but the results are so worth it. 

And there’s no test at the end—just glowing, happy skin! 

So go ahead, give niacinamide a try, trust the process, and flaunt that fabulous face of yours!

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