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Snail Mucin: Before or After Hyaluronic Acid? Here's the Correct Order!

by Yu-Jun Park 03 Aug 2023


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Welcome, Seoul Mates, to another session of skincare deep-dive - where we break down the most confusing aspects of your regimen into bite-sized, digestible nuggets of wisdom!

Today, we’re tackling a question we’ve seen pop up in our DMs a gazillion times: "Should I apply snail mucin before or after hyaluronic acid?"

Buckle up, because we’re about to take this topic for a spin.

Setting the Stage: The Star Ingredients

Meet the Mollusk: Snail Mucin

Who would've thought that a small creature's slime could be the answer to some of your skin woes?

Snail mucin, or the more exotic-sounding snail filtrate, is quite literally the secretions of our friendly garden snail. When it comes to skincare, snail mucin is the unexpected hero we never knew we needed.

This ingredient is a bundle of goodness, packed with proteins, peptides, and antioxidants that have healing properties and can aid in skin regeneration. It also contains hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid which contribute to its superpowers of moisturizing and exfoliating.

Snail mucin has been hailed for its moisturizing capabilities, boosting skin elasticity, and reducing signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. It also does wonders for acne scars and hyperpigmentation by promoting skin regeneration. No wonder it's a star ingredient in K-beauty, and a home favorite among our lovely Seoul Sisters!

Say Hello to Hydration: Hyaluronic Acid

Next up in our roster of skincare all-stars is Hyaluronic Acid (HA). We’ll use the abbreviated version here - both to keep it short and sweet, and to add a few ha-ha moments! (major mom joke, sorry)

This skincare heavyweight is naturally found in our bodies, keeping our skin hydrated and plump. However, as we age, its production slows down.

Enter hyaluronic acid-enriched skincare to save the day!

HA has the fantastic ability to hold many times its weight in water. This moisture-locking mechanism helps hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and making the skin look dewy and youthful.

When applied topically, HA draws moisture from the air and locks it into your skin, providing a beautiful plumping effect. It also works synergistically with other skincare ingredients, enhancing their absorption and effectiveness. So, if you're after that coveted K-drama glow, be sure to incorporate HA into your skincare routine.

The Order of Operations: A Skincare Symphony

Now that we’ve gotten to know our star ingredients, let's talk about how they play together. If you've been applying your snail mucin and HA willy-nilly, fret not. We're about to set the record straight.

Skincare application isn't a random game of eeny, meeny, miny, moe. It's a symphony, with each product playing its part in perfect harmony. And like any good orchestra, there's an order to it.

Light, watery products go on first, then thicker, creamier ones. This allows your skin to absorb each product effectively.

So, where does that leave our snail mucin and HA? Drum roll, please…

Snail Mucin Serum

Snail Mucin vs. Hyaluronic Acid: Who Goes First?

It's time for the main event: "Should I apply snail mucin before or after hyaluronic acid?" And the answer is... it depends on the formula!

Wait, what?

Here's the lowdown.

If your snail mucin product is thin and watery, you'd want to apply it before a thicker hyaluronic acid serum. But if your snail mucin is in a dense cream form and your hyaluronic acid is a lightweight serum, the HA goes first.

Confusing? Maybe a little. Game-changing? Absolutely!

In our beauty line, for instance, our snail serum is lightweight and fast-absorbing. So, in this case, you'd apply your snail mucin serum, let it sink in, and then follow up with a hyaluronic acid product.

But—major plot twist here—because we love you, we’ve also formulated it with hyaluronic acid, so you can enjoy all of the anti-aging magic without adding any more steps to your routine!

And remember, skincare isn't a one-size-fits-all science. What works for your bestie might not work for you. So, don't be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect routine for your unique skin.

Breaking the Skincare Myths: Snail Mucin and Hyaluronic Acid

Let's now put our detective glasses on and debunk some common skincare myths that might be sneaking around your mind. Brace yourself, Seoul Mates, we're about to uncover the real skincare truth, and it's going to be a wild ride!

Myth 1: "Snail mucin is harmful to snails."

First things first, any animal cruelty is a big no-no for us. It's time to set the record straight: the collection of snail mucin does NOT involve any harm to our hard-working, slime-producing pals.

We ensure that our snail mucin is harvested in the most ethical, cruelty-free way. Our snails are free to roam and lead comfortable lives while producing their precious mucin. Frankly, we don’t think they even know what big stars they are, because we never interfere with their quiet, snail-paced lives.

So, animal lovers, you can breathe easy and slather on that snail goo knowing no snails were harmed in the process!

Myth 2: "Hyaluronic acid is a harsh chemical."

Alright, folks, we need to do a little name dissection here.

The 'acid' in hyaluronic acid may sound intimidating, but it's about as far from harsh as it gets! Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule naturally found in our bodies, specifically in our skin, connective tissue, and eyes.

Its sole mission? Keeping our skin hydrated and plump! It's super gentle, uber hydrating, and absolutely skin-loving. In other words, it's more of a cuddly teddy bear than a chemical monster!

Myth 3: "The more HA, the better."

Okay, hydration enthusiasts, we're going to have to reign in the excitement just a smidge.

While hyaluronic acid is a hydration superhero, there can be too much of a good thing. If there's not enough humidity in the air (think arid climates or blasting the AC), HA could potentially draw moisture out from your skin instead of the environment, leaving your skin drier. Yikes!

So, the golden rule here is to use HA mindfully, and always seal it in with a good moisturizer. Remember, like in all good things in life, balance is key in skincare too!

FAQs: The Need-to-Knows about Snail Mucin and Hyaluronic Acid

Alright Seoul Mates, you've asked, and we're here to spill the tea! We've rounded up the most common queries you've had about our dynamic duo — snail mucin and hyaluronic acid. So, let's turn the heat up and get right into the answers!

  • Q: Can I pair snail mucin and hyaluronic acid in my skincare routine?
    A: Heck yes, you can! Think of them as the dynamic duo, the Batman and Robin of your skincare regimen. They're each potent on their own, but when they come together, it's nothing short of magic! Snail mucin's repairing properties combined with hyaluronic acid's intense hydration capabilities create a powerful tandem that leaves your skin feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and oh-so-happy!
  • Q: Is it safe to use snail mucin every day?
    A: Absolutely! Snail mucin is super gentle on your skin and suitable for everyday use. Whether you have a super busy day ahead or a chill Netflix night planned, snail mucin is your loyal companion. But remember, your skin is unique. So before you let snail mucin take the center stage in your routine, it's wise to do a patch test first to make sure your skin is ready for the star performance!
  • Q: Can I apply hyaluronic acid in the morning and snail mucin at night? 
    A: You betcha! There's no skincare police dictating how you should structure your routine. If splitting up hyaluronic acid and snail mucin into your AM and PM routines fits your schedule and feels right for your skin, go for it! Hyaluronic acid can offer a hydration boost to start your day, while snail mucin can work its reparative magic overnight. But always remember to follow up with a good moisturizer to seal in all the goodness.
  • Q: Do snail mucin and hyaluronic acid work for all skin types?
    A: Yes, indeed! Whether you're battling oily skin, navigating the dry skin landscape, or striking a balance with combination skin, both snail mucin and hyaluronic acid can play nice. They hydrate without making your skin feel greasy and repair without triggering sensitivity. But, again, it's always good to do a patch test before introducing any new product into your skincare symphony!

Snail Mucin and Hyaluronic Acid: A Match Made for All Skin Types

We've tackled some hot questions, but you might still be wondering: 'Are these skincare saviors a match for my skin type?' Let's dive into that.

Dry skin? Enter Hyaluronic Acid, the hydration hero! It'll quench your skin's thirst, drawing in moisture from the atmosphere and sealing it in for an oasis of hydration. Add the moisturizing prowess of snail mucin to the mix, and your skin will be on cloud nine, basking in a dewy, hydrated glow!

Oily skin, you say? Fear not! Snail mucin is your oil-balancing ally. Non-greasy and excellent at regulating sebum production, it helps keep that oil slick under control. And Hyaluronic Acid? Its lightweight texture means it moisturizes without leaving behind an oil slick. No more oil overload, just a healthy, balanced glow!

Sensitive or acne-prone? We've got you covered. Snail mucin is renowned for its soothing and healing properties, easing inflammation and aiding in skin recovery. Both ingredients are gentle and friendly to your skin, making them a safe bet even for the most temperamental complexions.

And how could we forget the enemy we all have in common - aging skin? Snail mucin and hyaluronic acid together work like a charm to fight this omnipresent foe, boosting skin elasticity and reducing signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Bottom line, these two are like the dynamic duo of skincare, ready to fight your skin battles, whatever your skin type might be. Now, that's what we call a skincare match made in heaven!

Behind the Scenes: Sourcing and Sustainability

Now that you've got the lowdown on how to use these skincare gems, let's take a peek behind the scenes at how we get these wonder ingredients into your K-beauty products.

Firstly, our snails. As we’ve touched on already, they're treated like skincare royalty, living stress-free (and rent-free, we might add) lives while producing their mucin.

Picture this — vast, open spaces designed to mimic their natural habitat, complete with mesh nets for them to roam freely. It's like the 5-star resort of the mollusk world!

The snails glide leisurely on these nets, leaving behind trails of precious mucin as they explore. This mucin falls through the nets, and voilà! It’s collected without causing a hint of discomfort to our little friends. Our method ensures zero disturbance and full respect for the snails.

The result? High-quality, ethically-sourced snail mucin that’s ready to supercharge your skincare routine. The best part is that it’s sustainable, cruelty-free, and gives you an eco-friendly reason to glow!

As for our hyaluronic acid, it's synthesized to mimic the HA naturally found in our bodies. This ensures it's skin-friendly, vegan, and sustainable. We're all about being kind to your skin and our planet, after all.

Now Go Get Your Glow On!

There you have it, Seoul Sisters! Your ultimate guide to using snail mucin and hyaluronic acid.

Remember, your skincare routine is a personal journey, so don't be afraid to mix, match, and experiment to find what works best for you.

And as always, stay radiant!

 Advanced Snail Serum

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